
There is nothing more powerful than the written word

Young cheerful woman listening to audio book using smartphone in park
Smiling young ethnic female messaging on smartphone and petting cat on bed

Crafting copy that’s tailored to captivate the ideal audience.

In an attention economy, the focus is creating content that’s engaging to an intended audience, and drives action.


OLIKA is an ultra-hydrating hand sanitizer brand that aims to offer an all-natural, effective, and convenient approach to clip-on hand sanitizers. Their blog, O, Darling, shares wellness tips and tricks, while catering the on-the-go, sustainably conscious reader. Below you will find a link to stories that I have written for OLIKA during my internship at Grit Studio.


Larken is a maternity brand focused on the intersection between form and function for
products ranging from breast pumps to nursing bras to pajamas. The Larken blog shares pregnancy stories, advice from experts and doctors, and aims to create connection between the Larken’s founders and their strong community of mothers. Below you will find a link to PDFs of stories that I wrote for Larken during my internship at Grit Studio.

The GW Local

I currently serve as the Editor in Chief for The GW Local, a student life blog at GW. As the president of the organization, I organize weekly pitching meetings, oversee the editing process, and develop the brand of the publication. I am proud to represent the organization as a whole, but you can read some of my stories on our website!